MyShake app is a free android app developed to detect earthquakes using the sensors in every smartphone. This app was reportedly downloaded by 220,000 people . This app uses motion detectors that are build in smartphones to measure ground motion, then this data is being send to Berkeley Seismological laboratory for further detailed analysis. An updated version of this app has came out on Dec 14, 2016. Now this app carries an option to enable the notifications about recent earthquakes. According to developers, They are working to get faster alerts so that through this app people can get notification about the quakes faster then now.

MyShake has detected 400 earthquakes worldwide in past 10 months. This app can detect quakes as small as 2.5 magnitude in Richter scale. This app works better and help to detect quakes more accurately when the cell phone is placed over a flat ground like on a table. One more advantage is that this app uses very little power, so you do not have to worry about your cellphone power. According to Berkeley, they have recorded higher seismic activities in the fracking fields of Oklahoma by making this state as the most active area in terms of earthquakes in the world. Oklahoma’s quakes has turned as a shock to everyone as U.S states have been considered as earthquake free but it has came into light that the consequences of these shakes are of local oil and gas production.

MyShake is different from other apps like Quakes, Quakfeed etc. because in MyShake when developers receive so many notifications from one area, they recognize that the earthquake is actually due and they start sending alerts about it. This app is surely very helpful in terms of detecting higher magnitudes and also in preventing big losses. You can download this app from Google Play. A small but a very good approach to detect earthquakes and saving precious lives.

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Amna Maqsood


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