Have you ever thought how your laughter or giggles would look alike into the outer space? No? Then #Laugh app will show you and will launch this sculpture into the space. Eyal Gever an Israeli artist and also a computer engineer is the person behind this creative collaborative project #LAUGH. 3-D manufacturing company “Made in Space” gave Gever an opportunity to create something into the outer space.  According to Gever, He wanted to come up with such piece of art which has universal appeal also should not be resembled to any country or culture so his British friend suggested him “Laughter“. Amazing suggestion right?

Gever is using crowd sourcing as he is collecting laughter from around the globe and then will identify the most popular audio after that he will use this audio to release a 3-D sculpture into the space. More about this project, This app will be an accurate mathematical encapsulation of human laughter. Surreal is a word for this piece of innovative art.  In order to participate in this 3-D venture you will have to download #LAUGH app.

This app is only available on iTunes which means that only Iphone users will be able to avail this amazing chance. You can submit your laughter before midnight of December 31, 2016 and you have to vote for the best laughter means that the laughter that will get most of the likes will eventually get printed into the outer space and will emerge as a strange star named as “Laughter Star” waiting to be discovered afterwards.

Gever is also working on other wild ideas and after this 3-D printing into the space we will be seeing much more in coming years. This app is referenced to the early cave paintings of human hands to show the presence of humanity. The results of the winning laughter will be announced in January and the star will be released in February. Looking forward to see how this sculpture will look alike may be like a space ship? or a meteor? WELL! we just have to wait and watch.


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Read more: Now Watch Your 3-D Movies On VLC Player


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Amna Maqsood


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