Yellow App works like Tinder App as it connects people mostly strangers together. More likely to be a dating app. Yellow has reportedly 5 million users and popularity of this app is rapidly increasing day by day. In U.K this app is called to be the second most popular app after Tinder. The basic purpose of this app was to connect young people with strangers but it looks like children are becoming more keen to make “new friends“. This app has swipe mechanism and match features like Tinder has, also it helps to connect with Instagram and Snap-chat along with messaging services means that nothing would be private. People share photos with each other by using these above mentioned photo editors.


Experts fear that this app will harm children in a way that they will be targeted by the sexual predators. Tinder has implemented some age restrictions that no one would be able to use their app less than of age 18 years but Yellow app do not have any age check. Which clearly identifies the risk for the children that they will become the target of online harassment.  According to the makers of this controversial app they are working and trying to develop some safety tools which can avoid these deviant behaviors.

According to some sources many cases have came to the light where children have been harassed, they are found doing some unethical explicit conversations while using this app. As the popularity of this app grows the concerns related to children safety and security grows as well. Maker’s of Yellow app also stated that, they are looking for the best compromise between the privacy and security. Makers specify that this app is not a location based dating app instead it is more likely a “virtual flirting app“. The makers have found the loop hole in the date of birth section. After certain changes which will be made by the makers soon. No one will be able to use this app without giving Identity card details.


If parents allow their children to use gadgets and apps then they should also check android or apple app stores regularly or at least stay updated about the new technological trends or apps so that they can know every information about what their children are doing on social media. Children don’t really care about their safety and they very conveniently share their information with other people. This is the point where parents or any other adult needs to take notice. Not only children, this also implies to young people because What is the purpose of sharing your private stuff with strangers? Honestly, it is not a very good idea to talk to random people and share your information.

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Amna Maqsood


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