If you are playing with numbers,records and data, you must be using MS-Excel.You must be in need of short keys to play with numbers in MS-Excel.

Here are some important shortcut keys for the mostly used operations in MS-Excel:

  1. To Move One Cell Left: Left Arrow
  2. To Move One Cell Right:Right Arrow
  3. To Move One Cell Up:Up Arrow
  4. To Move One Cell Down:Down Arrow
  5. To Move on Top of Worksheet: “Ctrl” + “Home”
  6. To Move Last Cell Containing Data: “Ctrl” + “End”
  7. To Move to Beginning of Data in a Column: “Ctrl” +”Up Arrow”
  8. To Move to End of Data in a Column:“Ctrl” + “Down Arrow”
  9. To Move to Beginning of Data in a Row:“Ctrl” +”Left Arrow”
  10. To Move to End of Data in a Column:”Ctrl”+”Right Arrow”
  11. Border all: “Alt” +”H”+”B”+”A”
  12. No border: “Alt”+”H”+”N”
  13. Align Text to Left: “Alt”+”H”+”AL”
  14. Align Text to Center:“Alt” +”H”+”AC”
  15. Align Text to Right: “Alt” + “H” +”AR”
  16. Wrap Text: “Alt” +”H” +”W”
  17. Increase Decimal: “Alt” +”H”+”0″
  18. Decrease Decimal: “Alt” +”H” +”9″
  19. Highlight Duplicates by Defining Value: “Alt”+H”+”L”+”D”
  20. Insert Table: “Alt”+”N”+”T”
  21. Insert Pivot Table:“Alt” +”N”+”V”+”T”
  22. Insert Pivot Chart: “Alt”+”N”+”V”+”C”
  23. Insert Column Chart: “Alt”+”N”+”C”
  24. Insert Line Chart: “Alt”+N”+”N”
  25. Insert Pie Chart:“Alt”+”N”+Q”
  26. Insert Bar Chart: “Alt”+N”+”B”
  27. Insert Area Chart: “Alt”+N”+”A”
  28. Insert Scatter Plot: “Alt”+”N”+”D”
  29. Insert Other Charts: “Alt”+N”+”O”
  30. Sort Data from A-Z: “Alt”+”A”+”A”
  31. Sort Data from Z-A: “Alt”+”A”+”D”
  32. Custom Sort: “Alt”+A”+”S”
  33. Filter Data: “Alt”+”A”+”T”
  34. Text to Columns:“Alt”+A”+”E”
  35. Remove Duplicates: “Alt”+”A”+”M”
  36. Data Validation: “Alt”+”A”+”V”
  37. Insert New Comment: “Alt”+”R”+”C”
  38. Switch Windows (Freeze Panes): “Alt”+W”+”F”
  39. Freeze Top Row:“Alt” +”W”+”F”+”R”
  40. Freeze First Column: “Alt”+”W”+”F”+”C”
  41. Extend Selection Area to Last Cell of Current Data: “Ctrl”+”Shift”+”Arrow Key
  42. Shift the Control to Next Sheet: “Ctrl”+”Pg Up”
  43. Shift the Control to Previous Sheet: “Ctrl” +”Pg Dn”
  44. Extend Worksheet Selection Toward Right: “Ctrl”+”Shift”+”Pg Up”
  45. Extend Worksheet Selection Toward Left: “Ctrl”+Shift”+”Pg Dn”
  46. Extend Selection to One Page Up: “Shift” +”Pg Up”
  47. Extend Selection to One Page Down: “Shift” +”Pg Down”
  48. To Move One Page Towards Left: “Alt”+”Pg Up”
  49. To Move One Page Towards Right: “Alt” +”Pg Dn”
  50. Extend Selection Area by One Page Toward Left: “Alt” +”Shift” +”Pg Up”
  51. Extend Selection Area by One Page Toward Right: “Alt”+”Shift”+”Pg Dn”
  52. To Insert Current Time: “Ctrl” +”:”
  53. To Insert Current Date: “Ctrl”+”;”
  54. Copy Value From Cell Above: “Ctrl”+” ” “
  55. Copy Formula From Cell Above: “Ctrl” +” ‘ “
  56. Close: “Ctrl” + “F4”
  57. Restore Window Size: “Ctrl” + “F5”
  58. Minimize workbook: “Ctrl” +”F10″
  59. Maximize or restore window: “Ctrl” +”F11″
  60. To Open File: “Ctrl” +”F12″
  61. Help: “F1”
  62. Edit the Selected Cell: “F2”
  63. Repeat Last Action: “F4”
  64. To Switch Between Absolute & Relative Refs in Formula: “F4”
  65. Spell Check: “F7”
  66. Goto: “F5”
  67. Extend Mode: “F8”
  68. Activate Menu Bar: “F10”
  69. New Chart: “F11”
  70. Save As: “F12”

So, if these short keys are helping you out to finish your work effectively and easily. Share this with your friends,colleagues and classmates to help them to finish their task and assignments quickly instead of wasting time in moving mouse cursor in menus here and there.

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Tayyaba Irshad
Love to write about startups, gadgets and apps. Follow me at Twitter @cRypTaNaLyXt.


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