Bluetooth is the global wireless standard which is well known for cable replacement and provide simple, secure connectivity.  Bluetooth has a global community of more than 31,000 companies.Bluetooth drives the innovation in the vast range of connected devices all around us. Bluetooth simplifies, secures and enriches the technology experience of users worldwide.

Bluetooth 5 release has been forecast-ed in the start of this year. Following video explains what is it and how it will facilitate the revolution in Technology.


Bluetooth latest version Bluetooth 5 is available now.Major updates in  Bluetooth 5 include:

  • 4 times Longer Range,
  • Double Speed, and
  • 8 times Larger Broadcast Message Capacity.

Moreover the new version is  compatible with other wireless technologies.Bluetooth 5 is  interoperable with other technologies which is a major plus for the applications of Internet of Things (IoT) by enabling simple and effortless interactions across the vast range of connected devices.

Mark Powell, the Executive Director of Bluetooth SIG says:

“Bluetooth is revolutionizing how people experience the IoT. Bluetooth 5 continues to drive this revolution by delivering reliable IoT connections and mobilizing the adoption of beacons, which in turn will decrease connection barriers and enable a seamless IoT experience.”

With this revolution in Bluetooth 5 consumers can expect to see products for whole-home and building coverage, as well as new use cases for outdoor, industrial, and commercial applications.Products built with Bluetooth 5 are expected to release within two to six months. With Bluetooth 5, Bluetooth continues to revolutionize how people experience the IoT. Bluetooth continues to embrace technological advancements and push the unlimited potential of the IoT.

Read more: 12 Reasons Why I Love JAVA and You Should Too.

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Tayyaba Irshad
Love to write about startups, gadgets and apps. Follow me at Twitter @cRypTaNaLyXt.


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