Booking a cheapest flight can be challenging. It is always confusing whether to book from an airline’s website or go with something like SkyScanner or Expedia. Though, you can save few bucks using Google Chrome in Incognito Mode (as website does not able to track you with cookies). Admit it, none of those will help you to find the best time to buy cheapest tickets for your next trip.
That’s what Google Flights is trying to figure out for you! Google Flights, a trust travel booking service, is much better than its competitors at finding you the cheapest flight. It is now rolling out an update to alert users when the price of a flight is expected to surge. Google will show a card that will tell you how much the cost will go up and in how many days. This is in addition to sharing tips on how to lower a ticket price by showing nearby airports and alternative dates.
Doesn’t it sound awesome? Yes, it is! This feature is especially useful when you are not sure whether to book a flight now or wait a few days to get price decreased. Since Google relays on historical flight data to predict the pricing information, it may not be 100% accurate but you’ll have a much better idea when to book a cheapest flight for your next trip to Paris or Hawaii.
Google Flights update is rolling out now and should be available worldwide in the next few weeks. The new app is integrated with Google Trips app that was launched last month.
This news was originally published at Engadget!
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