Due to Indiain army brutality in Kashmir there is a tension rising between Pakistan and India nowadays leading to attacks on each other.Recently India has claimed of ‘Surgical Strike’ in Azad Kashmir promoting the bravery stories of Indian army. But unfortunately can’t provide a real proof of that surgical strike.

Pakistanis on the other hand geared up to answer India’s attack attempt but not on LOC .Its all about a virtual war in which first Pakistani hackers  break into the frequency and transmitted songs, forcing pilots to listen to songs like ‘Dil Dil Pakistan’, a popular song by a 90s pop group called Vital Signs, making it difficult for pilots to land in Jammu.

Now , Pakistan Haxors Crew (PHC) a group of Pakistani hackers hitting Indian websites and hacked over 7000 Indian websites giving a tough time to their neighbor country. They have made a real ‘Surgical Strike’ to their enemy.

List of the hacked websites is here:

http://pastebin.com/Zp449szt 7000+ websites banged by PHC.

Moreover, PHC claim to hack into Indian government websites if its all continues.


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Tayyaba Irshad
Love to write about startups, gadgets and apps. Follow me at Twitter @cRypTaNaLyXt.


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