WhatsApp is bringing something exclusive for Android users. Whatsapp is adding GIF library within the app and it has also expanded the app’s media sharing limit from to 30.Previously Whatsapp was supporting media sharing limit upto 10 items at a time. These features are available in WhatsApp beta version 2.17.6 for users on Android. However, iOS users got GIF support within the app in November, 2016.

By extending data sharing limit Whatsapp has pretty much solved the users’problem who wanted to share more files and annoyed by the Whatsapp data limit.Now, users can easily share 30 media files at a moment.

Whatspp was supporting emoji sharing only if they had been stored in the device but now it made Giphy Library TENOR available for its users. You can just search the giphy from library and send it to your friends. The new GIF icon just appears next to emoji icon.It is available at the bottom of the smiley window.


GIF support was anticipated since it became available for iOS users.With this new feature, Whatsapp will get more users attention and they will definitely enjoy using app. In iOS users can add emojis and text to the GIFs and even trim any part of the GIF, if they want to but nothing can be said about the Whatsapp update until users gain access to its all GIF features. Like starred messages, you can also ‘star’ your favorite GIF.

There is a rumor circulating that Whatsapp is going to introduce a new ‘Status’ tab update, which will allow users to share stories which will be available for 24 hours and user will be able to see the viewers of story like Snapchat.

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Tayyaba Irshad
Love to write about startups, gadgets and apps. Follow me at Twitter @cRypTaNaLyXt.


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