November of 2016 can be called as a “month of great events“. Which people will remember through out their lives. Here are some highlights about 5 big events that have and will be happening this November.

1. Donald Trump as a president of United States of America 

11/9/2016 have already been written in history as Donald Trump has became the 45th American President. His presidency will be marked as a most controversial thing ever in the history. After U.S elections, America is suffering from political chaos because a massive amount of voters were in favor of Clinton but the presidential election results were in the favor of Trump. Not even Americans but everyone around the globe is taking this event into their accounts. Now Americans are protesting against their new president and the economy of States is fluctuating due to these circumstances.


2. Biggest moon of the history since 1948 

well! well! After trump making history, we will be seeing biggest moon of the history since 1948. This “super moon” will be 14% bigger than all the super moons and will be the closet Do not forget to see this moon on November 14, 2016 or else you have to wait until 2034.


maxresdefault3. Black Friday 2016

Yes! you have heard it right “Black Friday” is just around the corner. All the online websites will be offering biggest discounts of the year on November 25, 2016. Do not miss the chance to buy all your favorite items on discounted rates. Last year, Pakistani online websites crashed down because so many users try to get their hands on the rarely cheap items. This time they all are set to provide you discounts like you have never had before.


blackfriday 4. South Korean president to quit

After America, South Koreans are also protesting against their president but the reason is different. They all seething with anger due to the fraud and abusive power scandal and are asking for the resignation of their President .This is what we called “democracy” no?

113493325_south_korea3-large_transjhdcdf2gvvaxqfuvx44kkimgs4zd_nvctxolqykfdhi5. CPEC’s first ship consignment 

For Pakistanis November will be remembered by all of us because CPEC has became reality as first ship is all set to carry Chinese consignment. Congratulations Pakistan! for us it is a little hope in this disguise situation. When everything is seems to be falling apart specially politics.

This time November 2016, carries so many memorable moments. Some has already been written on the pages of history and some are on their way to mark the history!

Read next: Black Friday around the world: Best time to do some shopping!

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Amna Maqsood

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