After Donald’s Trump success in US Elections 2016, social media is just banging with the shocked reactions of people. Another major reason for not accepting Trump’s triumph is due to the videos circulating on social media about Trump promoting racism and anti-Muslim agenda.

Read here:Top happiest and shocked reactions from the 2016 US election.

People protesting against Trump of the opinion is that his governance policies will promote extremism among US citizen. But the recent video I came across is representing Trump totally different person as portrayed on social media.

Video Courtesy: Boris Malagursk

This video has 5 million views up till now having 67 thousand shares approximately. In this video Trump is of opinion that US forces shouldn’t be involved in Iraq,Afghanistan and Libya and Russia should handle the ISIS. instead he promotes the idea of combine growth and welfare projects while Hillary supporting all the disaster made by US forces in Libya and other Islamic States.

Read more: How to move to Canada if Trump wins.

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Tayyaba Irshad
Love to write about startups, gadgets and apps. Follow me at Twitter @cRypTaNaLyXt.

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