Today, along with an advancement of technology and automation in all aspects of life routines, demands of programmers are also building up as every hardware or all machines quickly require a computer software to run. So since the start it’s always a programmer who designs and develops some specific software to manage appropriate machines.

There are numerous people who desire to become a good programmer to work in some enormous company and for making your live projects like mobile apps and computer software. So in this article, I will be telling you about the best ways to become a good programmer and the appropriate ways to make your live projects and fulfill your dreams.

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How One Can Become A Good Programmer?

The “Programmer” word fully focuses to programming which simply means the languages of a computer to code a software or to run a specific program. So the basic need element is coding. All the best Programmers in this world are expertise in some of the programming languages. There is no easy way or you can say a shortcut to become a programmer. There are so many of us who don’t like coding just because they think that it’s very tough and boring. But, trust me, coding is not difficult if your source of learning is good.

Today you can learn to coding by just sitting at home also. There are about thousands of sites available which can teach you to code for free and you can become a good programmer with not much effort. Below are the few steps to keep in mind while begin to learn to program to become a good programmer.

Initial things to kept in mind before starting coding

  1. First, choose your target or aim, the reason for which you want to do programming (like to make a computer software, design website, build a mobile app, OS structuring, etc.).
  2. After choosing your target, look for the fundamental requirement for that, for instance if you desire to make an Android app, you should go for Java and then to Android (advance java).
  3. Find the best area to learn the programming to become a good programmer.
  4. Spend your most of the time to code and always try some of the real time problems in whatever language you have decided to learn.

What Is The Best Way to Code

We all know the phrase is “Keep it Simple and Short”, as the aspect of life. Simpler is the best way to do programming. Your program should be very simply represented and much more neatly coded that you and anybody else can feasibly judge each and every step of your logic. Always try to make your code as short as possible, as this will save a lot of space and time.

Also Read: 7 Basic Things Of Coding That All New Programmers Should Know

Where To Learn?

Now the most essential thing to being with a new language is to search for the best place,teacher or tutor to learn. For this you can avail two options either you can learn to code offline from the good institute for learning to code or either you can learn to code online. If you want to learn offline then make it sure that the institute or anything must be certified from where you are learning.

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According to my interest, Online learning is the best way to learn and to become a good programmer. There are many advantages of learning coding online that are given below.

Benefits of Learning Programming Online

  • You can revise anything multiple of times.
  • You can save a lot of time and money.
  • You can learn to code in any of your free time.

Now you must choose the best website to learn to program to become a good programmer. So just follow our article on 16 Best Websites Through Which You Can Learn Coding In Easy Ways

Learn Coding Through Your Smartphone?

You can feasibly learn to do programming through your Android smartphone. Some Android apps will benefit you by helping in your project, and you can also spend your free time on programming, this all can be done by making use of your Android smartphone. To add more, you can also rake trials of your coding skills using the Android app.

Experiment with your Skills

Well, programming can actually be an interesting part of becoming a programmer. You can make use of your coding skills to do what it is in your mind. However, make sure to experiment with your programming. You can choose from various online portals to experiment with your coding. The experiment works as a great teacher if you want to know how things work.

Make Use of Techniques, not tools

This world is always so busy and it never stops for anyone, not even for a person who does coding. We have witnessed many programming languages comes and goes. So, if you desire to be a nice programmer just concentrate on frameworks, language, coding structure and know how the work. Let me specify you that the techniques in programming modifies along with time just to make things easier. So, truly learning the techniques will help you to adapt any new tool with little to no difficulties.

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Test Your Codes

You should check your codes if you desire to be a good programmer due to the reason that it is one of the best ways that will help you to become a good programmer. Testing your codes can help you find errors and debug them. When you do testing of your code, you learn the mistakes you have made and learn to solve them.

Stay In Contact with other programmers

Keep in mind that you are not the only one who desires to be a good programmer, there are more and more people who are already following the path you just select. However, stay in touch with other programmers to have some knowledge. You will get to know how to manage with existing problems. So, make time from your schedule and keep in touch with other programmers.

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So it was the is the full & fledged guide for How To Become A Good Programmer. By following these guidelines and focusing on your aim, you can become a good programmer with no difficulty and create your own live projects and make money and fame through it.

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Ramsha Khan

Ramsha is a freelance writer, lives in Lahore, Pakistan.


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